Try NaviSmart for Project Based Learning.
Immersive learning is increasingly demanded by today's workplace. To re-imagine K-12 education, what is needed is Smart Technology that allows educators to create & share authentic experiences.
Project Based Learning (PBL) is an exemplary method for ensuring Deeper Learning occurs. To that end, our PBL Solution enables access to project-based content that is teacher created & vetted: essentially, by teachers for teachers. Through this grassroots effort, educators reinvent learning each day: with pedagogy anchored in State Standards, but delivery that is context-rich, skill sharpening & memorable.
Beyond the repository of vetted PBLs, the Results Engine delivers knowledge-and-skill scaffolding via publicly available, esteemed resources (such as Library of Congress, Smithsonian, NASA, TED Talks & others). Digital content is harvested at point-of-need. By supporting student-driven experiences, its impact is increased. Here, the drill & kill approach to teaching is taboo.
Today, educators must show that students apply areas of knowledge within the context of the Five Cs, while demonstrating literacy skills. For advancement & graduation, students must master application within authentic environments.
This imperative is the crux of the first Education Solution built on the NavXzy® platform. Within, educators can find & contribute Deeper Learning strategies, assessments & more. The site is up-and-running, offering unprecedented access to organically-grown projects.
Having partnered with us to launch PBL Lounge, the Isle of Wight County Schools in VA regularly contributes projects. One of their Principals recently wrote, "How do I come up with a project idea? PBL Lounge is a gathering spot for students & teachers who have embraced Project Based Learning as an exciting way to learn, engage & grow. This site contains project cards from educators across the nation!" Click the blue paint can to TRY IT NOW!
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