Through the Results Engine, customer intent is synthesized to reveal conclusions that, from a marketing perspective, surpass traditional approaches that draw statistics from disjointed user clicks.
Cueing off intention-based, customer goals, the Results Engine delivers a deeper, more meaningful experience — at the same time offering products and coaching centric to the customer. By delivering on the promise of relevancy, NavXzy® enhances brand connections. Customer personalization at its best.
"The intent is to create a client-focused experience — rather than delivering on a singular brand promise — because their interactions are very circumstance-driven."
—Roger Ares, SVP Marketing Analytics & Customer Insight
The platform's ontological schema is structured specifically to facilitate the conceptualization of decisioning, with the ontology’s two taxonomic constructs being Classes (Super Class, Class & Sub-class) and Attributes (Attribute & Sub-attribute). Importantly, these are 'hinged' by Intention — a construct paramount to our ontology as it forms the core of human decisioning.
With Intention at its center, the structure facilitates insight into customer behavior (including emotional & analytic drivers), as well as nuances of customer decisioning.
“The next big thing is around predictive intent.”
—Matt Naeger, Chief Strategy Officer, Merkle
Our proprietary schema provides the power of aligning concepts — for instance, goals to products. Although the ontological structure for products mirrors that of goals, they differ regarding minimum & maximum identifiers used to classify each. Specifically, this restriction mathematically forces goals to be a potential subset of products.
“Marketers who rely only on demographics to reach consumers risk missing more than 70% of potential shoppers. Why? Because demographics rarely tell the whole story. Understanding customer intent is much more powerful.”
—Lisa Gevelber, Google’s VP of Global Marketing
Given dangers of inherent bias in recommendations, transparency becomes paramount not only for customer trust, but for responding to regulatory compliance. Being highly auditable, NavXzy® ontological vectors mitigate risk associated with ‘blackbox’ results.
"The black box is an algorithm that takes data and turns it into something. The issue is that black boxes often find patterns without being able to explain their methodology."
—Kourosh Houshmand, AI Fellow Associated Press
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