When analytics are based on skewed data, the results mislead marketing efforts & product development; worse, they are costly and threaten to erode the brand. Recognizing this detriment pervades analytics, Navi displays insight as to how fairly a domain has been engineered. In the example shown (above/right), the product has an overall Fair rating (that is, it is neither under- nor over-weighted in its structural underpinnings). Had the product been skewed, a flag would recommend that content engineers revisit ontological mapping.
Navi reporting starts with the engineering, thereby making sure analytics on a level-playing field versus a stacked deck.
Through parameterized reports, NavXzy® delivers customer "Purchase DNA" to the forefront of your marketing efforts. Among insights visualized within our reports, you'll find:
In the cluster example shown (above/left), where marketing efforts are not aligned with Significant Products (here, Budgeting Resources & Overdraft Services, reported as Highest Performing), customers become overloaded with options. Worse, key conversion-opportunities are ignored.
Our Data Analytics are built upon audit-able insights: anchor data benefits your entire data ecosystem. Leverage NavXzy® to correlate and enhance your Data Lake, and reveal causality to your blackbox recommendations — or flag transparency risk where causal influence cannot be validated.
Navi interfaces with your existing data ecosystem, appending your ability to derive insights about customer behavior & trends. Reports reveal points of integration as well as opportunities to act based on Navi's analytics of captive customers. Before casting into unstructured Data Lakes, Navi develops audit-able anchors of structured insight.
"The call for algorithmic transparency has grown in intensity as public and private sector organizations increasingly use large volumes of personal information and complex data analytics systems for decision-making."—J. Podesta, "Big data: Seizing opportunities preserving values"
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